
It all started with one simple realization.
-Expecting moms deserve the best. We deserve luxury, we deserve to be pampered & prepared!

So I sat down and made a list of all the birth recovery essentials. Of everything I wish I remembered after delivery. I made it my mission to create an experience for  MOM.  

This is a space dedicated to women & elevating their expectations as a new MOM. 

I had to find myself. I had to do some soul searching, and in that place I discovered that I am..
A house.
A garden.
A temple.
A nurse.
A safe place.
A woman.

A mother.
A vessel.
A protector.
A mere mortal, but with certain gifts.
A shape shifter, a creator of life.
I am the beginning and the end.
-I Am a Mother.

Bellie Mama

“Taking care of yourself is just as important as taking care of your baby.”

The BABIEBELLIE BRAND stands for women, motherhood & maternity. We have a deep love for 90’s music and 90’s beauty! We love a good snack hack, that we can prepare for our kids in under 10 minutes. We love sharing funny stories that will help another mom get through the day. We’re about finding the humor in not having it all together!

What I'm 


 I’m really Loving the community that women are building around motherhood. I have noticed that we as women, have found a voice. We are speaking up, changing providers if we are uncomfortable or feel like we aren’t being heard. And I love that for us!

What I'm 


Learning to love my self at all stages of who I am. Mentally, emotionally and physically. Sometimes It’s hard finding beauty in your self.. especially after postpartum. But Ive decided to take on what I’m not happy about and give myself grace in the process. Learning how to heal all things that keep me stuck in a place that makes it hard to show myself empathy. 

What I'm 

not about

As a brand we aren’t about anything that minimizes child birth, postpartum depression, postpartum after care, the heavy emotional affects of having a hysterectomy before you were ready. Not about shaming women (esp women of color) about their birth experiences in the hospital!

what we


We believe in telling real stories. In honest mother hood. We believe in setting boundaries that keeps our newborns safe. We believe in whatever sleeping situation that work best for that mom and her Babie. If that means co-sleeping, laying the newborn on his/her Bellie. Or walking the Babie in a circle for 2 hours to get them to sleep! We don’t shame moms for doing what’s best for them! 

A look back on the past decade

Active duty in the UnitedStates Navy. Met my husband on the USS Gravely. We were dating for about a year when we decided to stop birth control and try to for a Babie. I Was off birth control for 3 weeks and got pregnant with Twin girls!! Londyn & Laniya was Born March 7, 2012


Because I was absolutely insane, I didn’t get back on birth control right away. Told my self we could use protection and be careful. Wasn’t careful enough, because my twins were 7 months, and I was pregnant again! I Had my first son on my birthday! 


Legend was born August 13, 2013! At this point I was still active duty in the Navy. Working full time and home with 3 littles while my husband was deployed. Needless to say it was hard. Emotionally draining and physically painful. I had two cesarean sections in 2 years and my body paid the price. So this time, I was smart! I got back on birth control and stayed there for SIX YEARS!


I got the itch. I didn’t want my son to be the only BOY. He had been bossed around by his twins sisters long enough. I wanted him to have a Babie brother. I was now retired from the Military and was ready to try for another Babie. And again, was pregnant the first few weeks after stopping birth control… and OF COURSE, it was a GIRL! 


humble beginnings!

see, dreams do come true! crazy, huh?

Levi was born August 17, 2020. Levi was 5 months old and I had a decision to make. 


Do I try for a boy again? 
What if I have another girl!? 
But I don’t want her growing up without a sibling close in age?? 
So …I took a leap of faith and gave it one more go. And …
 IT WAS A BOY!!! Lenox was born September 12,2021!


Covid happened...


The Site is BORN!


the grand opening

what a year, eh?

Real Mama's 
Real Babie Bellie's
Real Reviews

We will let them to all of the talking for us.

“ Probably the nicest box that I have ever received! ”

If you are an expecting mom or know someone who is expecting... you need this. As a mother of three, I'm telling you this box has absolutely everything that you need.

- Cierra

“ Please get this box for any moms to be that you know! This is such a nice baby shower gift, postpartum gift to give someone.” 

I can not wait to take these items out and putting them inside of my hospital bag. I can not wait to start putting everything to use. I am really super excited.


“ This luxurious box will definitely help you when packing your hospital. It has everything you need! ” 

This box made my postpartum recovery much smoother and easier.


follow @babiebellie

If you're into gifting options, mom advice, relatable content, things we find beautiful+ probably way too many videos of motherhood?
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